Important Keys to Success in Business

Most of us set up our businesses with much excitement. We are highly motivated to make a great success of it. Most of us find ourselves overwhelmed very early. Setting priorities on our time and where we spend it is very challenging. 

Brandon Gaynor is having experience been working as a Senior Branch Manager for a Mortgage company in Rancho Cucamonga since 2017. Brandon Gaynor is also a social Worker he always wants to help needy people that need any kind of help.

We often find ourselves going around in circles, achieving far less than we hoped to. This is where our greatest learning curve usually is. Looking back on my own experience, I can identify 9 important Keys to Success.

1. Be Competent In Our Area of Expertise and Experience.

We need to be recognized as knowing our stuff, being current and up to date, moving with the latest ideas, thinking, and approaches. This means we need to be reading the latest magazines, journals, and online information relating to our professional or industry area. We need to be engaged in ongoing professional development and training. 

Most importantly we need to have the skills to communicate it if we are in an area where we are training and developing others. We can obtain information very easily nowadays, but being able to make that relevant to our professional lives so that it makes a difference to the way we work, requires skills in communicating, good people skills, good "soft skills".

Most business people will say that they don't have time to do this, but it is crucially important in these times of great change that we stay at the forefront of our industry.

2. Learn Business Skills - Grow and Develop Them.

Many people establish a business because they are passionate about what they do and want to have more control over it. Being good at what we do does not automatically translate into running a successful business. To do that we have to give as much time to work on our business as in it.

 Many people do this with a coach; others will attend training and workshops - both live and online. Joining professional and industry groups also helps here because ideas are shared. Taking time out to do focused work on marketing and promotion, planning, and implementation, among other business development tasks is crucial to its success.

3. Being Innovative - Coming Up With New Ideas and Approaches.

We have to step outside our comfort zones and try things we may not have tried before - new approaches to the way we do things, for example. This is especially important in these challenging times. More importantly, we need to be always thinking ahead of where our industry is at. What could disrupt my industry? This is an important question to be asking. 

A long-term industry like car manufacturing is disappearing from the United States. Some car parts' businesses saw it coming and diversified their businesses some time ago so they are not now feeling the impact of it all. 

Others put their heads in the sand and did nothing and are now having to close their businesses. Are we seeing the trends in our industry and diversifying before our business becomes irrelevant?

4. Being Aware of the Big Picture.

Building on what has been said above, if we stay within the ambit of our narrow area of experience and expertise we may miss the boat. In this global village in which we now live, we need to be aware of what is happening in our professional or industry area across that global environment. Through technology, we can build a global small business.

 Through social media, we can be involved with and connected to people all over the world. This is one very important way of staying at the forefront of current trends and thinking. It also offers opportunities to take our businesses beyond the United States.

5. Becoming Digitally Aware and Technological Literate.

The fact that I even cite this as an item in how to be successful is a revelation of my age and vintage! It's taken as a given for Gen X, Y Z. So if you are in the baby boomer generation make a commitment to learning all you can and engaging with this digital environment. 

A few years back I was a technophobe and progressing to where I am now was quite difficult and painful but we older business people can do it and must. We can engage the younger generation in our organization in a reverse mentoring role, helping us understand the technology with which they are hard-wired.

6. Having Good Support Structures.

This is absolutely essential. Having a partner who supports what I do, will back me with his time, energy - and even finances in the early stages - has been crucial. Sharing the parenting of our children in times past also was crucially important. 

Having the courage to engage staff when we don't feel we have the money, instead of trying to do it all ourselves, can pay off big time! Starting with a personal assistant or a bookkeeper to do all the paperwork so we can get on with building the real business can make a huge difference. 

I have built a team of reliable support people around me - web developers, graphic designers, computer technicians, marketing people - who I can call on to support my initiatives. Most of these activities are outsourced.

7. Developing and Maintaining Networks.

It's the people we know who also help us to grow and develop our business, our profile, and our reputation. It is therefore vitally important to develop and grow those networks. I am a committed networker with an absolute belief that our network is our net worth. 

Brandon Gaynor is from Rancho Cucamonga in the United States and he is a social Worker he always wants to help needy people that need any kind of help.

We need to be selective about where we network, that we are meeting and building relationships with people who will help us develop professionally and grow our businesses, and to whom we can make a contribution to their businesses as well. Maintaining those relationships is equally important.


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